I am using this site to showcase my artwork and photography and I always like to give it a spiritual twist! I usually put feathers or Angel Wings, butterflies, dragonflies or hidden Angels and fairies underneath in the layers, even the music sheets I use sometimes have magical titles. I am going to be adding a sprinkling of inspiration in the form of sayings, poems and thoughts. I will also post information on colour, numerology, Moon cycles, the wheel of the year and spiritual practices that I find helpful in my life, particularly those connected to creativity.
“I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you’re going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.”
― C. JoyBell C.